Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Week (ish) In Review Via Camera Phone

This was taken today, the 25th. After eating lunch with Lindy and her family, I filled her kitchen sink with soapy water and began washing a few dishes. Unfortunately, I inverted the plug that keeps the water from draining. In this photo Lindy was attempting to wedge a fork between the plug and the drain so as to eliminate the suction. After 5 long minutes, yanking the plug with pliers proved to be a more conducive alternative.

On the 24th I went to have my acrylic nails filled. There was a ten minute wait and, to keep myself entertained, I looked around the salon. Were the hands in this picture on the wall holding chop sticks or marijuana cigarettes? I ask because pot leaves, YES, pot leaves are adorning the frame. You don’t even need to look closely.

On the 23rd my girls made a sandwich for me. I avoid meat but they thought it was funny to bring a sandwich made with 2 pounds of “Random Ham” and a croissant to my desk. “Random Ham” is what the girls call the ham at The Center. Why? Because it’s processed and made out of the random pieces of the pig. And people wonder why I avoid meat.

Also on the 23rd. An alley cat decided to walk into the house and never leave. We’ve debated over his name. I said, “Cat, you picked us. We didn’t pick you.” So, it made sense to name him “God.” But it was less blasphemous to name him Calvin. Ultimately, Jack is what stuck.

On the 21st it was below freezing. There’s no heat in some of the houses in Florida (ours) so some people were warming their hands over dinner (vegetarian chili).

Jenna sends me this picture of herself on the 17th. She and Al, Megan and Nick were on a wine tasting tour. Jenna wanted me to know that the wine had suddenly snuck up and bit her in the ass.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm, yes... I too got this pic from Jenna... to which I replied, "What can I say to this? Nice teeth?"
