Monday, March 23, 2009

A Week (ish) in Review, Again.

Living healthy and being safe... So far, so good. Eating well isn't that difficult. Wogging around the lake is actually fun. And I've abandoned my daily melanoma coma (napping in a tanning bed after work). Our YMCA is awesome for opening at 5am, and it's great to do some actual running on their treadmills. Which brings me to this photo. I recently bought a lock to use on a locker at the Y. While removing the combination lock from the packaging one morning, I noticed this statement typed on the left side in bold letters-- WARNING: This product contains one or more chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects and other harm... Wash hands after handling. So, there it is. The lock I handle for when I go running is dangerous.

Walking downtown always results in a good time. A few weeks ago, our Discipleship by Grace group had ditched the lesson and decided to convene for dinner instead. We were seated near a giant window at the Chop Shop and suddenly had the most amazing view of a woman going for a walk. With her pet rabbit. On a leash. With a harness. She was just eccentric enough for me to not worry about asking if I could take their picture. This, of course, is after I bolted out of the building with my camera phone ready and aimed at Bugs.

I walked in on dancing Dave and Stormy in the kitchen. We were all waiting for the strawberry shortcake, made with a scone recipe, to finish cooking. The plan is to do an entire blog on Dave one of these days, much like I did with Stormy's bio a few months back. This will take time to develop as, most of you know, Dave is an amalgam of unbridled humor, energy and depth.

This is a picture of Leeloo, my journal. Shut-up. My mind is a dangerous neighborhood and I wish I could move out. This week I realized something very important. The flesh, the world and the Devil are all in opposition to me. For a long time I've stared almost solely at the flesh. Wow. Here's to being blindsided.

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